What is LEED Certification and How Does It Benefit Businesses?

Wondering what LEED certification is, what are its requirements & why it matters? In the race to achieve environmental sustainability, green cleaning has become an important factor in reducing a business's ecological footprint. As a result, quality control programs such as LEED certification have been developed to address climate change and create healthier spaces. But what is it?

This internationally recognized mark of excellence indicates a commitment to sustainable building practices. To be LEED certified, it requires meeting rigorous standards on energy efficiency, water conservation, and indoor air quality.

However, LEED certification benefits businesses by providing a framework to create environmentally friendly, sustainable buildings. This can also help businesses improve brand image and increase customer loyalty. In the long run, it can lead to cost savings by reducing energy consumption and water use.

In addition, LEED-certified buildings often have higher rental rates and resale values. Pursuing LEED certification can be a wise investment for any company that cares about sustainability.

Here’s all that you need to know.

What Is LEED Certification?

LEED certification is a designation given to buildings that meet certain energy efficiency & sustainability standards. It is a third-party certification system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to evaluate the environmental performance of buildings and promote sustainable design.

LEED certification requirements begin with a building must first register with the USGBC. Once registered, the building is evaluated against water efficiency, energy use, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, and emissions. Every four years, there is a recertification process to ensure that buildings continue to meet LEED standards.

LEED-certified buildings are not only more efficient and sustainable, but they also tend to be more valuable and attractive to tenants. Over the years, LEED certification has become increasingly popular, with more than 1 billion square feet of space certified worldwide. Also, the USGBC offers various LEED building rating systems for different types of buildings, including homes, schools, and hospitals.

There are four levels of LEED certification requirements that a business must meet in order to obtain certification:

  1. Certified
  2. Silver
  3. Gold
  4. Platinum

What are the LEED Certification Requirements?

A building is evaluated against criteria such as water efficiency, energy use, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, and emissions to receive LEED certification. The LEED rating system is based on a certain number of points earned in each category. Each of the LEED certification levels is dependent on a certain number of these points.

The requirements are listed below.

Water Efficiency

Water efficiency is all about using less water. This can be achieved through things like low-flow fixtures and rainwater harvesting. Also, a green building design should reduce stormwater runoff and mitigate wastage.

Sustainable Site for LEED Certification

Sustainable sites require that a LEED-certified building is located in an area that is not susceptible to flooding or other environmental damage. It also includes everything from site selection and light pollution to landscaping.

Energy and Atmosphere

To earn credit in this category, a building must use at least 30% less energy than a similar non-LEED-certified building. A facility must have energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems that provide a sustainable and clean atmosphere.

Materials and Resources

Materials and resources focus on the life cycle of materials used in building construction. To earn credit in this category, materials must be recycled or sourced from sustainable forests. Also, a green building should practice proper utilization of resources within its location.

Indoor Environmental Quality

The indoor environmental quality looks at factors like air quality and acoustics. To ensure good indoor air quality, buildings must use low-emitting paints, adhesives, carpets, and sealants. More equipment can be used to improve the quality of the indoor environment in buildings.

How Does Pritchard Help?

Pritchard can help buildings to meet these requirements through a LEED green life cycle approach to commercial cleaning. Your LEED-certified buildings are cleaned with eco-friendly products and techniques that improve indoor air quality while reducing environmental impact.

Why is LEED Certification Important?

LEED certification is fundamental to green building and construction. In addition, it is a key factor in today's marketplace, with an increasing number of businesses, organizations, and individuals looking for ways to reduce their environmental footprint.

For Business

Sustainable buildings are becoming increasingly popular, and LEED certification helps to show that a building is sustainable. This, in turn, can help to attract tenants and command higher lease rates on the given market.

In addition, for most businesses, the cost of running a green building is significantly lower than that of running a non-green building, making LEED-certified buildings more attractive investments. Also, they are more likely to improve the facility's image and status, which leads to further business opportunities.

For Employees

Green buildings provide employees with a healthier indoor environment, increasing productivity. LEED-certified facilities offer enough space and environment for workers to take breaks, stay focused, and be comfortable.

Among employees, green buildings can be helpful as they provide a good working environment with less organic compound emissions in the indoor air and reduced noise levels. More so, green buildings promote employee morale and retention as these buildings show that their employer is committed to providing them with a healthy and sustainable workplace.

For the Environment

LEED-certified buildings use less energy, water, and other resources, making them less environmentally harmful. With such eco-friendly construction, businesses and organizations can play a role in mitigating the effects of climate change.

Also, these buildings have a smaller carbon footprint and generate less waste. As everyone strives to protect the environment, green buildings preserve nature and help improve the quality of life for current and future generations.

LEED certification is essential for businesses because it demonstrates a commitment to sustainability. Customers and clients are increasingly interested in doing business with companies that positively impact the environment, and LEED certification is a way to show that your business is committed to green practices.

In addition, LEED-certified buildings use less energy and water, saving businesses money on utility bills. Pritchard, with its green cleaning commitment, is a partner in the LEED certification process, and we can help your business navigate the process and obtain certification. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get LEED certified and be part of the process.